Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Isn't the above portrait of Susan absolutely breathtaking?! Ray and Trish made me aware of this photo. It was painted by Eduardo Moreno, author of "The Films Of Susan Hayward". I absolutely am in love with the portrait and I'll be working this weekend to get it on the homepage of her site.
Eduardo painted this many years ago, now it has a place to be admired by Susan's fans. Susan has now come home to her webpage. Eduardo would have been so proud.
I have fond memories of Eduardo Moreno..I was lucky to meet him twice and even spend a few days with him in Amsterdam in the early nineties
His love of Susan and his knowledge on her career were unique!
His collection of Susan memorabilia astonishing.He had incredible scrapbooks following chronologically Susan's life and career with thousands and more photos from magazines,newspapers and real press photos B/W and color...from all over the world...a treasure worth a museum!
I wonder wher all that lovingly assembled stuff has gone now.....
He was a warm and nice fellow.
To get back to his portrait of Susan in the early fifties i love it too.
Very typical of her "With a song in my heart" time.
It would be great if Eduardo's book "the films of Susan Hayward" could be reprinted with a new (color) cover - Eduardo was not fond of the publisher's choice for theoriginal cover- and he would have loved to add a color portrait gallery to his book to showcase Susan 's redheaded beauty.....