Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
The above photo of Susan was sent to me by Ray, a part of his collection. I'm working on a project for the website using some of Ray's photos. It's a pretty big project since I need to resize each photo and sometimes crop and then work it/them in nicely on the pages. Many thanks to Ray for this gift to us! I'm shooting for finishing up in May. Maybe I'll get finished sooner if I get lucky!
I am going to be giving you a sneak peak of some of the photos that will be eventually in a gallery and or maybe slideshow on the Susan's site.
Ray, if you want to elaborate on the photos as I post them, please feel free to do so.
Thanks for your comments. This photo is one of my favorite. Hope that in the coming months we will see
many more gorgeous poses of Susan. I thank Ginger so much for taking time out from her busy schedule to work on this project.
These photos are breathtakingly beautiful. I've almost gotten them all scanned. What is a little more time consuming is resizing them and putting them on the website in a way that they will really showcase Susan. Working on them will be a labor of love as everything I do on her site is!
I know all of you will enjoy looking at these photos along they way.
Ray, some of the photos are very unusual I think, especially the ones from the foreign magazines so I'll let you be the one to give any background if you wish.
Susan posed for so many photos. I swear I don't know how she had the time to make films!
Yes - a thank you to Ray for what looks to be some delightful photos being shared, and to Ginger for her info tech skills to be able to get them on the site for our viewing.
(Ginger I will email you a still from " I Can Get It For You Wholesale". No need for it to be displayed as it is a fairly freely available one and I'm sure most readers here have either seen it or have it.
It is merely to highlight another 'profile shot' that I particularly like.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Susan in Silhouette
I will do the best I can to elaborate on the photos as they are added. Collecting magazine covers and photos on our "gal" has been my lifetime hobby, nothing gives me more pleasure. Susan was on so many magazine covers from all over the world, I believe we haven't even scratched the surface. Thanks again Ginger, you're super.!!