Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
This great cover comes from Barcelona, Spain. The date on the cover is July 1, 1956. Its a nice size magazine 9x12 inches. Ofcourse its all printed in spanish and there is nothing inside the magazine on Susan. I'm sure you recognize the dress; its the dress Susan wore in "I'll Cry tomorrow" for the song that was not in the film "I'm Sitting on Top of the World."
Great picture! Didn't Susan wear this dress in the film, however, "ICT" ?..Maybe when she was backstage with "David".. it seems I recall this dress. I never imagined it to be blue if this is the one I'm referring just seems it was in the film..???
You are correct Ginger, Susan wore it when she was going on stage for a number. She was grieving over the death of David, and Katie was trying to adjust her dress..she went on stage with a top hat and cane. Ofcourse in the film it looked white, now we know it was this color of blue. Anymore more comments out there? Thanks.