Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Below is no.'s the same as the one above under the I think I've got the collection numbers organized. Isn't this a gorgeous photo of Susan!
This great cover comes from Paris, France. published September 1, 1947. It is a fairly large movie magazine and for being 60 years old, it is in very good condition. There is nothing in the magazine on Susan. Cinevie is France's version of a Hollywood movie magazine like Motion Picture is in the USA. Some feature actors pictured here are Dana Andrews, Robert Ryan, Ann Miller, Tyrone Power, Dorothy Lamour and Bing Crosby are among a few. Some good reading if only I could read French. HA!
What a wonderful treat looking forward to new pictures of Susan. Thank you so much Ray.
Yes Ginger, this is a gorgeous one of her but did anyone notice it was printed back to front? Silver Screen printed a similar cover just as gorgeous but it was printed the right way round!!
I do love to see the colour pictures, even though the lighting they used back then didn't always show the lustrous copper tones of Susan's hair.
Trish you are correct; there was a similar pose of Susan on the Silver Screen, I believe it was on the May 1947 issue and it was reversed. I think the color of many of the foreign magazines are gorgeous, far more supreme then the American magazines. Many of the color covers from Japan are beautiful. You will get to see some of them here. Thanks for your comment.