Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Just read on the site of "Movies unlimited" that both "Rawhide" (1951) and "Garden of evil" (1954) will be released in US and Canada (Region 1) by Fox video next may.
No news yet og release dates for Anticipated Hayward releases "I can get it for you wholesale" (1951) ,"Untamed" (1955) and "Marriage go round" (1960).
Phillipe, thanks for the info. I had actually been in contact with a guy working on the Rawhide video. This was back in late summer and I was expecting it to be released in November; however, I'm glad it and Garden Of Evil are on the way!
What about all this blue ray stuff?...I think I'm going to have to get a new system to play blue ray--??wonder if these new discs are blue ray -- what a world! ha
I've read that wal-mart is going blu ray and toshiba isn't making any more hd/dvd stuff..I'm not very technical but guess I'd better get my wallet out!
Yes Ray..."Back street" on DVD with bonus material..would be wonderful...but also
"Stolen hours","Where love has gone", "Woman obsessed","the president's lady".
I have heard that 2 Ross Hunter movies have just been released on DVD, ("Portrait in black" and "Madame X", both starring Lana Turner) so I am keeping my fingers crossed for the sumptuous and highly successfull 1961 "Back street" with Susan to appear soon on an official restored DVD release....It should be an obvious DVD release,one which would sell very well for sure.....
I would love to see "Back Street" and "The President's Lady" released. I have a feeling we will see "Back Street" first. "The President's Lady" seems to have been so underrated and forgotten except by those of us who love Susan in it. Maybe it's just me, but I've always felt like "The President's Lady" was overlooked by the awards and the press. Susan gave such a remarkable performance as Rachel Jackson. It just bowls me over every time I watch it.
I love the soundtrack music in both "Back Street" and "The President's Lady".
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 forthcoming Susan Hayward DVDs!
And let's not forget the 1952 classic very arty Nicholas Ray movie "the lusty men".
Susan is terrific in it and superbly photographed,with many breathtaling close ups.
"the lusty men " has HAS to be released on DVD soon!
Phillipe, I think I had mentioned it earlier on here, but there are some great clips from "The Lusty Men" on youtube. I didn't put them up, but thanks to whomever did.. I can't remember their "id" right now.