Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
New to me too and magnificent...Thanks again Ray and Ginger for your combined efforts.
only pity is tha shot is reversed but captinning it we can bring back the good position...and hair is too brown,which is of course only a lighting effect.
I know a man who met Susan in person in the late fifties (he was 10 years old then) and he told me he had been fascinated by her copper auburn hair and freckles in true life.....
Hello, This pose of Susan is out of this world, just beautiful. This magazine comes from Milano, Italy and it came out in July 1948. It is a large magazine and there are articles on Robert Mitchum, Yvonne DeCarlo,
Orson Welles and Ann Blyth. It would have been nice if Susan's red hair was more prominent, but I've noticed this problem with other color photos, some photos that I have her hair actually looks black. It's such a pity, I agree. Trish and Philippe you are both correct, this dress is from "Smash Up." Good job!
Thanks Ginger this looks great! Makes me feel good that I can share these color prints with everyone.
I wish the correctly numbered photos would show up on the replies but for some reason they don't. I hope it doesn't get confusing... Such as we are discussing number 6 and number 7 is showing above.. oh, well, it's in the original post so I guess it's plain enough.
Yes, I remember that Smash-up dress, and didn't it have one of those , darn , I can't remember, it a 40's type headdress/veil.. I think it starts with an "D"..??