Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Re: your solo piano version of "with a song in my heart"....
I am also smitten with Ginger's version of With a Song In My Heart (as I was with My Foolish Heart) - so much so that I have to listen to it all the way through before I click into the site!
I also love Ginger's clip on You Tube where she is playing her own composition of Susan's Song. Just so beautiful it brings tears to your eyes.
Thank you so much for everything Ginger. You have been instrumental in bringing so many of Susan's fans together and working so hard on this wonderful site.
Re: Re: your solo piano version of "with a song in my heart"....
Phillipe and Trish, thank you so very much. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, everything I do on this site is a labor of love.
As for the music, we all have certain talents we have been given and the important thing is to find out what they are and use them in creative and positives ways. I alway am happy when others enjoy my music. The whole reason for art, to me, it to communicate and bring out emotions in others. Each person experiences a different emotion in what they see and hear, but the artist tries to bring those emotions out in others. It's a continuous giving and receiving.
Re: Re: Re: your solo piano version of "with a song in my heart"....
Hi, Ginger:
I haven't been on here for awhile, so almost missed the wonderful compliments from Phillipe and Trish on your version of WASIMH. I love it, too, and sing along with it as I listen (fortunately, you can't hear that part, LOL).
And please accept my thanks, too, along with Trish's for everything "Susan" you do.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your solo piano version of "with a song in my heart"....
It's always a treat for me to be on here. Yes, unfortunately, this has not been a good autumn for me, and among the problems was illness. I hope that's all over now (she said with her fingers and toes crossed, LOL), so I can be on here more frequently.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your solo piano version of "with a song in my heart"....
Gloria, of course you are always missed when you aren't here! I hope you will be feeling better and that life will be easier...also, that you can be with us more!