Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I'd Climb The Highest Mountain is one of my favorite Hayward films. I loved her soft yet strong portrayal of the minister's wife. She is just as beautiful in this plain gingham dress as she is in a glamourous evening gown!
It's one of my favorite also, Ginger. This magazine is dated July 23, 1950 and it has behind the scenes from the movie. There is a portion of an article that mentions the company brought 74 persons from Hollywood, employed 35 locals for regular work everyday and hired 500 other local folks as extras from time to time. Shows Henry King directing while the staff looks on. Lots of interesting reading here with some of the actors expecially the atheist's son Jerry Vandiver who drowned in the movie was one of the local people and Henry King called in a good actor.
What a lovely surprise, another new (to me) picture of a natural looking, beautiful Susan. I get such a thrill to see new pictures although reverse printed yet again.
I also love "I'd Climb The Highest Mountain" - such a simple, heart warming story that leaves you with tears in your eyes but a smile on your face and gratitude for being able to view Susan (yet again).
What a legacy she left us countless fans with the many great movies she made. Her family must be so proud.
Maybe I can't see the forest for the trees?... but I have no idea what you all are talking about when you say "reverse printing" can you tell and what does it mean? The covers have looked normal to me. I'm sure I must be totally missing something which isn't new for me.. LOL
I've often wonder about the reverse printing comments.
I don't seem to see it here on this cover. Can you clarify this for us Trish? What am I missing?
I've never seen this pose before either, so should Susan be tilting her head to the left instead of the right?
It is just that the photo is printed with the negative the wrong way around. You can always tell if this has happened as Susan always had her hair parting on her left hand side. This particular picture also has the buttons done up on the gentleman's side (left over right) instead of the lady's!
Yes very often ,much to0 often, at time of putting to press people were reversing transparencies or negatives by error of lack of happened a lot during Susan heyday as a Hollywood that 's the reason you see many photos of her and other stars by the way printed reversed (the other way around)
It happens today in our digital time too but more for design puposes I suppose...
I for one do not like when Susan ( or any other personality/person) is shown reversed on a photo: it changes the physionomy of someone's face,distorting it slightly.
Like Trish said, to be sure a Photo of Susan is shown the right way you check if the parting of her hair is well on the right side of the picture you are looking at ,that is on Susan's left side in real.
Also if she wears a shirt with bottoms you can check if they are closed "the feminine way" ,which is on the left if I am right.
That said,in spite of being reversed the cover color shot of Susan during the making of "I'd climb the highest mountain " is ravishing and I did not know it neither :-)
Thanks again for sharing Ray ..and for showing Ginger
Thanks for explaining Trish and Phil and for your keen eye. I wouldn't have noticed it that close. I guess I am not that observant, but it all makes some sense now.
I will certainly "keep" on eye next time.
Bye for now, guys, you are all great!!