Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
"I'd Climb the Highest Mountain," on TV on March 21
It'll be playing on the Fox Movie Channel, on Friday, March 21. Check local
listings for the time in your area. Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time goes
into effect this coming weekend.
Re: "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain," on TV on March 21
Oh, I am one of those who hates daylight savings.. ha
I like it when it gets dark early, but I'm a nightowl so I suppose this is why.
Thanks, Amy, for the tip regarding "I'd Climb The Highest Mountain." This is one of my favorite films. My mother loves it also and she cries every time she see it. I do too! Maybe there will be some special "highlights" from Fox Movie Channel regarding the film, as so often they do with their film features.