Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Sexy, sultry, glamorous, sweet
are the pictures seen here of her.
Many cherished memories
that time cannot delete.
Who could have foretold
the influence she'd have?
So many films and stories
that we would always hold.
You've all shared with me
thoughts, laughter, tears.
And sent precious photos
for all of us to see.
I wish I'd been able to share
some photos of mine as well.
I was not as wise to save them.
But don't think I didn't care.
I got caught up in life I guess
Put Susan in back of my mind
for another day, another place.
Yet my feelings for her weren't less.
Now we who loved her and love her still
have found a place to meet
to remind each other not just of loss
but how we feel and always will.
We celebrate her every day
not just the day she left.
She lives on in each of us
because we want it that way.
Think of her whenever you can.
Keep her memory alive.
It's for fans who come after us,
for whom we continue to strive.
Thanks to all you great Susan Hayward fans -- Trish, Ray, Kerry, Errol, Philippe, and others -- for sharing your memories, photos and information on Susan. And thank you, Ginger, for making all this possible.
Re: Re: To All Who Remember Susan On This Anniversary
What a lovely poem Gloria, sums up my thoughts today and moved me to tears as your poems usually do.
We all remember Susan in our own special way throughout the year but doubly so today, on the 33rd anniversary of her leaving this world. She was certainly one Very Special Lady whom we all adored and of course, still do.
My thoughts are also with Tim and Greg and their families today.
Re: Re: Re: To All Who Remember Susan On This Anniversary
Gloria, thank you for your lovely and thoughtful poem.
Also, I moved the link of your other poem up a little higher on the homepage, near Susan's photo, so that it will be more easily noticeable today. If any of you have not read Gloria's poem on the homepage, which is written in memory of Susan, please do so. You will be blessed.
There are so many Susan Hayward admirers out there who remember her so fondly and with lots of love and affection. I wish I could get more people to discuss and remember her here with us because there are folks out there who have interesting stories, pictures, and thoughts of Susan. We would all benefit from more sharing. I'm going to try to put a note on my guestbook regarding the message board and also move the message board link up higher and bigger on her homepage.Also, I get mail from people who I really need to respond to with an encouragement to join us on the message board. I think those things on my part might help.
In the meantime, the people on this message board are stellar! Sometimes I feel like the others out in cyberspace who haven't grounded themselves here are really missing out and that we are missing out from not hearing from them.
I'll continue to work on it and please spread the word about this message board as you can.
I think about Susan Hayward a lot because of my interest in her films and maintaining this website, but today, among the business of carrying on life itself, she will have a very special place in my heart and thoughts.
Gloria, you did it again, what a wonderful tribute to such a fine lady. There is NOT a day in my life that I do not think of HER. Your composition's bring Her to life in each every and heart. I am truly grateful for Ginger and her efforts in bringing Susan so much alive on this website. God bless Susan and all Her fans.
Re: Re: To All Who Remember Susan On This Anniversary
Eloquent and beautifully worded as ever. Thanks for your lovely poem.
Ginger is right - there are no doubt many people out in cyberspace who may have reminiscences and anecdotes on Susan and if they could visit and share their recollections, it would be fascinating.
Best to all the regulars and visitors and most of all to Tim, Greg and families on this sad anniversary time.