Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Karen, as far as I know, Lillian Roth did not have a brother. She had one sister, Anne, who is also deceased. As far as your inquiries, I know someone who can answer them and she might be able to answer them here on the message board or either can send an email to me, and I'll post her answer on the board. Thanks.. Ginger
I have a letter written to my grandmother January 4, 1958 signed Lillian Roth in which she mentioned she was staying with her sister Mrs. R. Neiberg of Flushing, NY. She also mentioned getting out of the hospital after some sort of surgery in 1957. She was going to go back to L.A., California as soon as she was able. This Ms. Roth was a friend of my Uncle's who was an alchoholic of great proportion. He died in 1959. I am researching this info to verify it is the same Lillian Roth, as I have been told so over the years. Thank you so much for your help. Your web site is wonderful. I have been surfing through it in awe.
Sincerely, Karen
I am so sorry to report that the letter you described was not written by our Lillian Roth.
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Replying to:
I have a letter written to my grandmother January 4, 1958 signed Lillian Roth in which she mentioned she was staying with her sister Mrs. R. Neiberg of Flushing, NY. She also mentioned getting out of the hospital after some sort of surgery in 1957. She was going to go back to L.A., California as soon as she was able. This Ms. Roth was a friend of my Uncle's who was an alchoholic of great proportion. He died in 1959. I am researching this info to verify it is the same Lillian Roth, as I have been told so over the years. Thank you so much for your help. Your web site is wonderful. I have been surfing through it in awe.
Sincerely, Karen
Hi Julie, I too am disappointed. My brother and I were led to believe the letter was written by The "Lillian Roth" all these years. I will continue my research of who the person was that did write it. Thank you so much for your help. Have you written or compiled a book about your photos? I have enjoyed looking at the collection of the great and wonderful movie stars in their younger years. Brings back memories for me. I was an avid movie goer in my younger years. I now enjoy TCM with Robert Osborne instead of the offerings on the major stations. Again with great appreciation I thank you for responding so quickly.