Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
For those of you who are located in San Francisco, Castro Theatre has a double
bill of Joan Crawford and Susan Hayward's movies on Wednesday, April 2.
Called "Dueling Divas," Susan's movie is Back Street, which will be shown at
1 pm, 4:50 pm, and 8:55 pm. Back Street is the movie which costars John
Gavin. For those are fortunate enough to attend, it'll certainly be nice to see
Susan on the wide-screen.
Darn, I can't make it.. it's only a few thousand miles away... LOL.. I would if I could though! Back Street is the film in which I first really noticed Susan Hayward. I was only 13. She made a real impression on me that never left.
Re: Re: Re: Back Street at Castro Theatre, April 2
I'm sorry I can't make it either although I was in San Francisco in 2006!! This was after I had paid my respects to Susan in Carrollton and just before I was in her Laurel Way home. It is a long way from the U.K.
However, I am one of the lucky ones regarding Susan and the big screen as I have seen her up there in most of her films - some of them many times over.
Ginger, you mentioned you were 13 when you first noticed her - I think the majority of her older fans were children when we first came "under her spell". I was 11, almost 12 years old when she first "mesmorized" (for want of a better word) me and she has been close to my heart and a part of my life ever since.
Enjoy "Back Street" Amy - I wish I could be there with you! All the viewers will be in for such a treat.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Back Street at Castro Theatre, April 2
Trish... I'm not in San Francisco, either! (I live in Hawaii). I don't remember
seeing Susan on the big screen growing up. I think I've only seen her movies
on television.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back Street at Castro Theatre, April 2
Sorry Amy, I don't know why I assumed you were in San Francisco. How wonderful for you to be living in Hawaii!
You have certainly missed a treat by not seeing Susan on the big screen. I grew up seeing most of her films many times over in the cinema but hey, seeing her on a TV screen is great too. The best part of TV is being able to see Susan whenever you desire.
A fan of Susan's wrote to me once that the first time he saw her in a movie theatre he was around 8 years old with his mother and the film was "David and Bathsheba". He loved her from then on and told me his mother actually gasped when Susan first made her appearance with Greg Peck as she thought Susan was so beautiful. I love to hear anecdotes like that about her.