Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Unsure about blaming Michael, but I may well congratulate him - lol. Nicely set up blog and your sheer love of fishing, trout fishing specifically, is evident. That is such a beautiful slice of country as well. ( Your mention of travelling through Green River brought to mind the song of that name by Creedence Clearwater Revival featuring 'Cody's camp', and 'catfish biting' etc).
I have scanned through and would also like to compliment you on a well written piece that makes for an interesting journey through some of your experiences and recollections. ( I could almost taste the Creme Brule in Ennis. Hmmmm)
I have to go out shortly, but will return to it tomorrow and have a more thorough read.
Thanks to Michael for his skills, and to you for the link, to give us a chance to see what has given you so much pleasure and joy over the years.
Tim, thank you for sharing your blog with us and many thanks to Michael for nudging you along.
I'm in the midst of reading it. I haven't finished it yet, but the photos are beautiful. The only thing I know about fly fishing is what I learned about it from "A River Runs Through It".. that is the extent of my knowledge, but I do understand that for you and many it's a place where you can enjoy beauty , peace, and have a sense of refuge. I also think it's lots of fun for you!
I got a kick out of reading how you and Greg enjoyed the the surroundings while your mom worked on "The Lusty Men."
I love the Nadia and her can of worms story. I'm visualizing it right now. I wish I could have seen the look on your face! LOL