Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Gloria - the particular bio to which you refer - was that the one featuring interviews and input from Tim, Patricia Morison, Ron Nelson and some others ? Oh and Charlton Heston also appeared a few times with comments.
Yes, that's the one. I bought it from and look at it from time to time. I just wondered if it was being repeated, or if there's a new bio on Susan.
Ah, thanks Gloria. I also have that on vhs tape here, and it gets a refresher viewing now and again.
Of course, we get quite different programming than the U.S. even if it is TCM, the History Channel etc so I won't be able to watch it and ascertain - but I would be surprised if it was a NEW bio - but hey ... ??
You would probably know sooner than I, Kerry, unless someone posts it here on Ginger's website. I seem to be the only person left in the U.S. who doesn't have cable TV, LOL.
Gloria - snap ! Don't feel freakish and alone in your bizarre lack, as I am quite likely the only person in Australia who also does not have that facility.LOL
It is not a financial reason, after all it is not that pricey per month, but because I already spend SOOOO much time with visual entertainment ( I attend the cinema to see new releases a minimum of once a week, I already have a vast array of addictions and 'must-sees' on free to air TV per week, I regularly tape late night movies on free to air to watch later, and I rent dvd's regularly to catch up with new releases that either do not hit the big screens or I may have missed ).
So if I added a dazzling array of movie channels, (and history channel and similar that feature docos and bios of famous people quite often) etc to the celluloid diet - well I would literally be near 24 hours a day gazing at a screen.
The only reason I have that particular Susan item is that a friend with cable who knows of my dedication, taped it for me at the time.
Good God, Kerry. Is it possible we are the only ones in the world without cable TV?
Like you, I get DVDs with films from other sources. I have rented some, but believe it or not, I get most of them from my public libraries in my area. There are four libraries within easy driving to me, and you'd be surprised how greatly stocked they are with DVDs and videos.
Sure, they won't have ones just released, but it doesn't take too long for them to get the DVDs. One library, where I'm going right after writing you, to return a book and two DVDs due tomorrow, has an excellent collection of British TV series as well.
When I do want something of Susan's, such as the 1998 A&E Biography, I do buy it from places like Amazon, and other sources I spot on the Internet. They are usually in pretty good shape except for one, "Say Goodby, Maggie Cole," which did have interference throughout the DVD. All the others were of very good quality.
I'm of like mind as you when it comes to not wanting to be glued to the "boob tube" 24/7. So I'll continue to go to the movie theaters, too, for first-run flicks. We have an excellent one about a half mile away, the Bryn Mawr Film Institute, which features a lot of art and other unusualy films (it's the one that had given Robert Osborne an award just last year, which he received in person). Last week I saw a very good picture there called "The Visitor," that I recommend to you if it hits your town.
Just a mention of thanks Gloria for your recommendation of 'The Visitor' ( I shall certainly look out for it.)
Also gracias as I had forgotten of late about the facilities in libraries. Years ago, I used to borrow cd's and make up compilation tapes of my favourite songs from a host of different albums. But you are quite right, they do have vhs and dvd racks available.
With the big screen, I tend to alternate my types of viewing lately. Example - I saw 'The Counterfeiters' that won the Best Foreign Language Film this year at the Academys ( and deservedly so. A powerful Holocaust story but what was extraordinary was that it was an Austrian film with Austrian actors. Finally, a core Axis country faces the darkest part of its past unflinchingly. )
So I then went to 'Iron Man' as a light relief follow up.
Last week I saw 'Before the Devil Knows You're Dead' which was just amazing. Directed superbly by Sidney Lumet (who must be in his late 80's)and Albert Finney and Philip Seymour Hoffman took the thespian art to new heights. But very dark and unrelentingly downbeat in mood ( like 'Gone, Baby, Gone,' and 'No Country For Old Men' - no levity, but brilliant productions.)
Thus yesterday I visited the new Indiana Jones film. I am in an undulation of light and dark with my viewing habits - LOL.
But we shall proudly continue on our cableless passage through life. Be strong Gloria, since to publicly admit that one does NOT have cable these days is akin to saying that you don't like chocolate. People will still talk to us, but behind our backs they'll think there's something not quite right with us -
Permit me to add my two cents. Here in L.A., you can't get any TV reception if you don't have cable. Also, with the shift to High Definition happening very soon, everyone will be required to have a cable box.
I have a little-above what is called basic cable but enjoy it very much, especially TCM. And I can also order movies from On Demand to enjoy in the comfort of my living room. This feature also offers replays of movies that have appeared on TCM. This I like very much as well.
The cable setup also provides info on a film that you can access on the remote and of course you can get grids of what films are coming up. The one thing I don't have or want is the premium channels like Showtime, etc. With On Demand I can order a new film at my convenience. So all and all I would be lost without cable.
Even with all the entertainment distractions I manage to read a couple of books a week and work full time. But I agree that too many options can take away from other things that need to be done. I know once I got TCM I was really hooked. Now I try to ration my viewing.
" I know once I got TCM I was really hooked. Now I try to ration my viewing. "
You possess an inner strength and capacity for discipline Jill, that I utterly and completely lack - LOL. Which is the main reason why I don't subscribe to cable - but I fully agree that the benefits of many of the types of cable access are great.
Just as a mention - Australia presently broadcasts free to air tv in two formats, the original analogue and the new digital which commenced in 2001. But quite soon, analogue broadcasts will cease and all householders must then either have an integrated digital television set or a digital set top box which sits above an analogue reception tv.
Without either of these options, reception will be impossible.
I think it does not become absolute until somewhere between 2010 and 2012, but obviously, when anyone now buys a new tv, they would be buying digital in preparation.
Jill - no the change won't compel purchase of cable. It affects free to air broadcasting. Basically, if anyone wants tv reception at all ( once the change is ultimately effected) they will have to have either an integrated digital television set, or a converter which is a set top box that converts the signal. Our stations will only broadcast in digital as opposed to analogue broadcast which was how we started out decades ago.
I already bought two converter boxes for my two TV sets, since the government was offering a $20 rebate towards each one, and you were allowed up to two $20 rebates.
So, unless my two analog sets decide to break before next February when the switch to digital TV happens, I'm okay.
My understanding is that if you have cable TV, the cable company in effect takes care of the change to digital, and the subscriber doesn't pay. At least, that's how it is with the cable provider in my area of Pennsylvania.