Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
This is one of Susan's earliest movies, from 1937. She's seen briefly in the
movie. It plays on Turner Classic Movies channel, on Wednesday, July 2. Check
local listings for the time in your area.
HI Amy....I saw the trailer for this film, last night on TCM..and have marked the calender!! I've never seen this film..Always wanted to but it is not shown very often, so it will be a surprise to see Susan in this one!!
I can't figure TCM out..Early in June they played three Susan films in a row...but nothing on her birthday. I also notice that WITH A SONG IN MY HEART is becoming a 'regular' showing on FOX and it used to be you could never see it.
I still haven't copies of HEAT OF ANGER and SAY GOODBYE, MAGGIE COLE. Other than that..I think I might have all of her films now. Even that..SIS HOPKINS..with Judy Canova...(ha)