Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I have just written a long post...and all of a sudden it has disappeared! I can't believe all of that is gone! O don't know what I just hit on the keys, but everything is gone.
Let me just say..that I was hoping to have time to post this morning, before leaving for the day..but that didn't work out!
I would not have this day end without sending my thoughts and love for our dear Susan, on her birthday.
What I had written...most of you have heard already, because the memories of the day I heard of her death is with me each year, at this time...and how sad and awful I felt.
I was on my way to a rehearsal of THE MIKADO when I heard the sad news, as two men were talking about it as I passed CROSSROADS OF THE WORLD on Sunset Blvd.
I continued on to the rehearsals...but wanted to turn and run alone...and let this all sink in. I knew she was ill and there was probably no hope of her recovering from the brain tumor, but I always had the HOPE that this day would not come...but it had.
When I reached the theater for the was a very somber mood. Not all the cast were there yet and the ones who were there were as stunned and saddened by the news as I our rehearsal was canceled for the night.
SUSAN will always be in my heart. SUSAN lives on with the wonderful gifts she left us here on earth. Her beauty, her talent, her spirit...these things will live on..forever...
My health is much better. In fact, I just finished a short run of THE FANTASTICKS..The 4th time I've done this show, but love it! Played the boys father..Hucklebee and you should have seen the 'new ME look'... Since the boy's father is ex-navy, they asked me if I would mind cutting my hair into..a flat top... Anything for THE I did it and may keep it this way. On second thought, I don't think I can because I've been asked to audition for Ben the gardener in the Broadway musical THE SECRET I think the hair will have to start growing back until I decide about doing GARDEN. Oh, well...It's good to be back and chatting with some of the 'real Susan fans' again.
I do get some emails from time to time from Kerry and Trish, which I am very happy to get.
My computer crashed, recently..and I lost ALL of the copies of Susan pics that I had given to you to share with all, on your site here. Now I will have to start copying all of them and this time, get them on to a disc, which I should have done a long time ago. One good thing is that there have been so many great pics posted by other members, that I will have a chance to add them to the collection on discs too.
I have soooo much to catch up on..and so many wonderful things to check out, since I've been out of touch for so long.
THANK YOU GINGER, for your wonderful site for Susan.
You have put so much work and time into this site and I'm sure we all owe you a great deal, for giving us this opportunity to keep our love for Susan strong and still growing all the time. I'm seeing pics that I never knew were out there!
Errol, I'm glad you are feeling better, and that you are finding lots of theater work because I know you love and enjoy it.
I had to trash my desktop computer about three weeks ago, and I lost a lot of stuff on it. I had just worn it out.. ha We finally got a back-up system to save things over from our laptops, and when and if I ever get another desktop computer, I'll certainly have something separate from the computer for back-up. It happens to us all.. kind of goes with the territory, but I am learning to think BACK THEM UP.. ha
Errol, I forgot to say thanks and whatever I do on this site is not work to me but a labor of love and I mean that sincerely. It's so nice to have a place where we share our thoughts about our favorite actress and also share our memories, stories, and photos. I am always amazed at how Susan just reached across the oceans and touched so many people all over the world.