Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
Tomorrow, July 16th, would have been the 100th birthday of Barbara Stanwyck, whom Susan Hayward wanted to be like when she was a girl in Brooklyn.
The amazing thing about this is that I assumed Stanwyck was much older than Susan. I just realized there was only nine years' difference, since Susan's 91st birthday was this June 30th.
I guess we think that, back when the movie studios were so big, every actor knew every other actor. But these two Brooklyn "broads" (as I believe Stanwyck referred to them when she sent flowers after Susan's death with a card that read "from one Brooklyn broad to another"), they didn't meet until Susan was so sick when the two went to see the Getty Museum in L.A. From what was told about that meeting, they were both thrilled to meet each other.
From an admirer of both Brooklyn "broads," I salute Barbara Stanwyck on her 100th!
I so endorse that Gloria. Without doubt, their tough Brooklyn upbringing helped shape the gutsy and independent personalities that they both possessed.
Barbara Stanwyck was a fine actress and like Susan, her range was formidable. Her Phyllis Dietrichson ( I think ?) in 'Double Indemnity' with the blonde wig and black heart gave a portrayal of duplicity and ruthlessness, a flint hard woman. Yet in 'Stella Dallas' she offers us a boozy, overdressed, social-climbing mother sacrificing all for her child's betterment. Best I don't turn this into a lengthy catalogue of all the diverse roles that she played so well - suffice to say that your point is correct.
I too while growing up, assumed that virtually all of Hollywood in the Golden Age, either knew each other professionally or socially, and was also amazed that two A list actresses of such long standing would not have met many, many times during their careers.