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Re: Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Amy! Merry Christmas to all of my message board friends.. I am getting really busy, so please forgive if I seem neglectful.

My daughter and her boyfriend are coming in from NYC on Tuesday afternoon. We are so excited. We haven't seen her since last Christmas and we have never met her "Joe". We are so happy that she will be here, and barring no problems regarding the weather, she should arrive on time.

It is very cold in Kansas City, Mo. It has been in the single digits here. We may have a White Christmas, but not sure at this point. A week ago Sunday it went from 60 degrees in the morning to 9 degrees that evening.. very eerie.

I haven't gotten out my Susan movies in quite a while, so after Christmas, I'm going to hunker down, stay in, and watch Susan Hayward films!

We have a couple of "adopted" granchildren.. Hailey and Jordan.. twins...6 years old ( hailey, girl, jordan, boy)...we had Christmas with them yesterday. They helped us decorate the tree, then we went out to eat.. then came home and opened presents.. Later we had them settle down and we introduced them to "The Little Rascals." They had never heard of them! Oh, I have some educating to do with these children.. ha!...We watched two Little Rascals episodes.. They LOVED them!...next will be Lucy..they've never watched I Love Lucy!...I have my work cut out for me...They will learn about Susan Hayward for sure.. just give me time!!!

I hope all of you have very Merry Christmas, and/or a Happy Chanukah!

I am very thankful for all of you and for helping to keep the spirit of our favorite actress alive. She continues to give to us through her films.

God Bless!


Re: Merry Christmas!

I just loved reading your little story there, Ginger. Haha. I didn't know that Missouri got snow. But how would I know? I've never even been near there :D

It was 38 degrees the other night and I was freezing! Haha. People who live in single digits and 0 degree weather probably think I'm a wimp, but I hate the cold.

You should tell your "adopted grandchildren" to watch the I Love Lucy marathon countdown on New Year's Eve :D

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone here!! Have lots of fun.

From Desiree (in California!)

Re: Merry Christmas!

Diversity - from your gelid icy chill in Mo, Ginger - to our sub tropical, hot and humid bake here. Unsure which is more taxing, but it is probably easier to get warm when chilled, than to get cool when roasting - and you may get the added visuals of the possible White Christmas as well.

Enjoy the Lucy revisits - the kids have some giggles to look forward to over the holiday.

I hope Kelly's " Joe" passes muster with Mom and Dad - lol.

Best for the season to all


Re: Merry Christmas!

Hi, Ginger and all you other Susan-aholics:

Merry Christmas to you all. I'm having a very nice Hanukkah, albeit a very cold one. Yesterday's temperature was about 20 degrees, but with the severe wind chill, it was 5 degrees!

I didn't want to take my dog Sashi for her usual walk on the trails of a local college, since it had sleeted/rained/iced the day before and I knew they would be slippery, so we walked on the campus grass itself. Other than two joggers, we met only one other dog and his walker -- Attila the "Hund" was the dog, Ginger, and his walker (whose name I never asked), was a big Obama supporter with whom I had rather strong discussions during the primaries, since he'd made a comment about my being the "typical" Hillary supporter (in other words, no longer a young woman). Now, he's all for Caroline Kennedy taking Hillary's Senate seat, so I look forward to even more strong discussions, since I do not like her.

But I digress. I will leave politics and all other distressing subjects for after the holidays. In the meantime, I hope you, Ginger, and all the wonderful Susan Hayward admirers enjoy their holiday, the food, the family and friends, and many more showings of Susan's movies.


Re: Re: Merry Christmas!


This is Ann from New Hampshire (USA), "chiming in" to wish everyone a Happy Holiday !
I am also celebrating a return to my own home after being evacuated for 11 days....due to the Great Ice Storm of New England (Dec 12). The weight of the ice on everything had crushed trees and broken power lines, leading to dark and unheated houses by the hundreds of thousands. NH was the hardest hit. It took 11 days to return the power and heat to my home. Meantime I lived a refugee lifestyle. So I am delirously happy to have my own life back ! There is alot of damage and insurance to be claimed....but what is important is that I am back home for the holidays.
I'm looking forward to "better times to come" and to viewing some great Susan films again soon.
Take care all ! ~ANN~

Re: Merry Christmas!

Wishing all my friends and readers on this site a very Happy and Joyous Christmas.

Fortunately, Wales is enjoying mild temperatures - unlike some of you. So pleased to hear you are back in your own home Ann.

Best Wishes to everyone and I shall enjoy seeing our beloved Susan on screen during the holidays too.


Re: Re: Merry Christmas!