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Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

I don't have cable but I sure wish I could be a visitor to someone's house then, to see this film. It is one of the first films where I ever saw Susan or became aware of who she was.(I saw it on local tv back in early 1960).
Her character was so strong and fiesty, it left an impression on me. Women were just not usually written or portrayed that way back then. She knew how to play that character "to the hilt". Bless you Susan....for all aspects of the film legacy which you left to us all ! ~ ANN ~

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Susan co-stars with John Wayne in this war melodrama. It plays on Turner
Classic Movies channel on Saturday, January 10. Check local listings for the time
in your area.

Re: Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

I had never heard of the Seabees until I saw that film for the first time around 1980. It was enlightening.

Ann, this is available on vhs, not sure about dvd, however. I've seen it colorized, but much prefer the black and white. There is a great "jitterbug" dance scene number. Susan just looks on but John Wayne 'goes to town'.. ha

Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

I love that Jitterbug scene. That's the only movie in which John Wayne dances... they say. I haven't exactly seen all of his films.

Re: Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

I think the DUKE may have danced a bit in a few scenes from his Westerns...just in a sort of crowded dance floor scene ,type of thing. Square dancing sort of stuff...

I agree that the SeaBees is fine in its original black & white. Even tho' I first saw it in 1960, on TV, I must hasten to add that it actually came out in the '40's. Susan's character would have been even more "revolutionary" then ! Ha Ha !

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Replying to:

I love that Jitterbug scene. That's the only movie in which John Wayne dances... they say. I haven't exactly seen all of his films.

Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

Haha, it just reminds me of those typical World War II movies. the first time I saw it, I think, was this year. :) Which is almost over...

Re: Re: "The Fighting Seabees" on TV, January 10

This film was the first time I had heard the phrase, something to the effect, " I'll go home with the one what brung me."
I love that phrase and really now, it's good manners to do so, right?