
Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at www.facebook.com/susanhaywardclassicfilmstar and you will see the link.

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"My name is Barbara too." - spoken by the female guard near the end of the film.

"Fat stuff" I believe was what Barbara Graham said to the Matron. "I would get someone like you fat stuff!"
This was quite strange as the lady wasn't fat, just well made in my opinion.


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Trish, that's what I had thought too.."ah, she's not so fat."... it didn't seem to hurt her feelings.. ha

Anyway, I forgot to mention that the scene where the two guys are mixing up the chemicals for the gas chamber just makes my blood turn cold. You would think they were mixing up a batch of margaritas....IWTL is one of the most stark films I have ever scene. I think I'd rate it as No. 2 on my list and "In Cold Blood" as No. 1.

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and Trish, you were right about the more compassionate female guard being named "Barbara."