Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at and you will see the link.
I'm not on Facebook so my infrequent communications on this site need to be
on the message board. I noticed recently, that it was mentioned there that I WANT TO LIVE was due to be shown on Thursday,the 29th at 8:00PM. Don't get
your hopes up because TCM has announced that their 'tribute' to the recently
deceased Rod Taylor is scheduled for that time on that date. Does this sound
familiar? Remember that Susan's birthday tribute was scratched for one to the
then recently deceased Eli Wallach back in June. So while the movie is still
listed as scheduled for Thursday-it may not happen! Just sayin'
How frustrating, especially for those who have not already seen the wonderful performance Susan gave in I WANT TO LIVE.
It doesn't affect me as I live in the U.K. and Susan was on TV this week in CANYON PASSAGE - one of my favourites. REAP THE WILD WIND has been showing a few times in the past few months.
I can't believe an actress of Susan's calibre has been pushed aside yet again.
ELAINE:....Thanks for posting this! It always amazes me when SUSAN films are cut on TCM and they did it 'twice this time'.
However, maybe they will make up for it this week.
TCM is doing the month of FEB for their yearly 30 DAYS OF OSCARS and tomorrow they will be showing SMASH-UP the story of a Woman and then on Sunday they are showing I WANT TO LIVE!
Fans will have to check their daily schedules to see when these will play on their time zone. I know I don't get them until the early AM or just before Midnight, so it might not be the best time schedules, but they 'should' be showing. (????)
I do not have the entire schedule for the rest of the monthly schedule, so there may be some other Susan nominated films that will be showing, so check your weekly schedules.
Again....Thanks for posting this in the first place. It seems to be a on-going thing that when a SUSAN FILM is scheduled, something happens to pull it off their schedule. I'm still hoPing they will, some day, give her the STAR OF THE MONTH like they do for so many who have not deserved it (or keep on getting it over and over, leaving other great stars OUT!)
Elaine, yes, several of us noticed that they scrapped that first showing up IWTL, but they did air it on their Feb. 15th schedule. I think it was 1:00 am central. I did dvr it but haven't watched it yet. I also am always hopeful there will be a little commentary.