
Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board: To reach If You Knew Susie by Trish Sharp, click the profile photo at www.facebook.com/susanhaywardclassicfilmstar and you will see the link.

Ginger's Susan Hayward Message Board
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March 14

Today, March 14, we remember the anniversary of Susan's passing. It is an honor to remember her today as it is each and every day. She has not been forgotten, and so many have learned more about her and have been introduced to her and her films via the power and miracle of the internet.

Pictures and information pertaining to Susan are posted daily at the Facebook page for Susan. Actually there are several Facebook pages for Susan now, and that is such a wonderful tribute to her. She is so well loved and remembered.

To visit mine, please go to:


and also, you can click the website icon below to take you to the Facebook page.

There are often new photos collected by members there who allow them to be posted. Often these are photos I have never seen before, so they might be new to you also.

Susan Hayward has certainly enriched my life, as I know she does all those who love her and her work.

I wish she were here so I could say Thank you, but maybe she already knows how much we love and appreciate her.


Re: March 14

Dear Ginger,

Thank you for your message re Susan - I agree with everything you said especially about enriching our lives as she has been a major part of my life too since I was a child. Nobody could ever come near the magical presence she had on the screen and I bless the day she came into my life.

I am putting in a poem below which I wrote a few years ago - so meaningful today.


Susan's anniversary has come around once more
And we strive to write comments on the lady we adore.
What can we say that hasn't already been said
About Susan, Edythe and sometimes even "Red"!

Her determination to succeed led her to scale the height
In a place Called Hollywood - she worked with all her might.
She had reached the very top as she ran to the Stand,
So very happy at last to hold "Oscar" in her hand.

We were so thrilled for her that night and excited that she won,
A rightful recognition for all the hard work she had done.
We continued to watch her up there on the screen,
Even in mundane parts - you will know the ones I mean.

Susan delighted us all in so many ways,
With her special smile and an intense gaze.
What was it about her that drew us to her side,
That attracted us all so we could point with pride?

She was our favourite Star, of that we were sure,
She could act "the other woman" or be so demure.
Her eyes spoke volumes and looked so full of love
As we sat and watched her films on the screen above.

We saw all the ones she made as the years were passing by,
Enjoying each and every one, especially those which made us cry!
She had a secret little smile which encompassed every fan,
That made us love her all the more, each woman and each man.

We really didn't know her well
Just bits and pieces of her life,
We cheered at all her triumphs
And we were sad when she had strife.

She was just magical to watch and we hung on every word,
But as time went on, a real tragedy occurred.
Susan was terminally ill but what a fight she fought,
She wanted to stay here and life was what she sought.

Now many years have passed and here we all are
Paying our loving respects from both near and afar,
Dear Susan we love you and love itself lives on,
Your memory stays with us though you yourself are gone.


Ginger, I am sure Susan knows how much we all love and appreciate her and is probably looking down on us right now and wondering what all the fuss is about!
She was certainly a treasure in the film world and I can hardly believe it is 41 years since she passed away. Thank you so much for all your hard work in keeping the sites dedicated to Susan Hayward - I appreciate you so much and know so many other fans are grateful too.

Love and Best Wishes,

Re: March 14

Trish, thank you so much! Anything I have done is a labor of love, and I know all your contributions to Susan's memory has been for you...a labor of love!

Your poem is beautiful, and I posted it on the FB page!