Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Beware of your mind’s deceptions

[There is no East or West in this matter]

All temptations are mental. Usually it is not what you do but what you think that is more troublesome. So take care of your imaginations. Beware of how other people's vibrations affect your mind. It is not enough to say, 'I have not done anything impure.' Analyse what you feel and what you think in the company of others, whether they attract you or not. The moment there is any attraction or aversion, be on your guard. Salute all people who tempt you, from a safe distance. No attraction is harmless in a finer sense. Never deceive yourself on this point. You should not allow old impure associations to crop up in your mind by mixing with people who may awaken them. When you follow this advice and practise raising strong opposite currents of thought, you will gradually be able to efface all impure impressions which you have allowed to sink into your mind by your carelessness. Then alone your spiritual life will be made safe to a certain extent. By repeatedly raising opposite thought-currents temptations become weaker, and finally the new spiritual thoughts completely replace old associations and memories — but only if you strictly follow the advice. You cannot create a vacuum in your mind all of a sudden. It is even dangerous for a beginner to attempt it. So in the beginning he must learn to cultivate good thoughts. The question of transcending the thought-plane comes only much later.

Control of mind comes step by step through practice but you can never hope to attain it if you are careless in your ways.

Source: 'Meditation and Spiritual Life' by Swami Yatiswarananda pp. 192-3

Location: Wilmslow, U.K.

Re: Beware of your mind's deceptions

"All temptations are mental. Usually it is not what you do but what you think that is more troublesome. Be aware of how other people's vibrations affect your mind... Analyse what you feel and what you think... The moment there is any attraction or aversion, be on your guard. Salute all people who tempt you from a safe distance."

This is a beautiful summary of nonjudgemental discernment!

We tend to become caught up in a web of "finding fault". Our excuse is that a person's behavior is undesirable and affects us negatively, and that this gives us the right to shake or finger and set them straight.

In this quotation we learn, simply and clearly, that another person's behavior or character is not an object for our focus or concern! What we are to examine is our own reaction, whether positive or negative.

And if we have a reaction we are to remove ourselves, for our own spiritual sake. We are to "salute" those who stir up our own thoughts and feelings "from a safe distance," while we work to purify ourselves. We do not condemn them.

And neither are we to condemn ourselves.

Location: san Diego, California, USA

Re: Re: Beware of your mind's deceptions

Sister Jayanti has explained the teaching so beautifully. Thank you!

Location: Wilmslow, U.K.