Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Re: Spiritual Struggle as Productive of Authenticity

Sorry, Vriju, I got off the topic of your original post, which was a very good one. I was so impressed by the language of the Swami. It was a familiar speak.

Location: North Carolina

Re: Re: Spiritual Struggle as Productive of Authenticity

Yet the question/topic you raised, Rosemary, is one which comes to many people. And, frankly, I have met people who are convinced that one must be born in or travel to India in order for spiritual progress to take place. Such folks seem (to me) to be always wondering, because they haven't grasped the role and importance of spiritual practice.

Or spiritual readiness. In India there has always been the understanding that when the student is fit the teacher will come. Thus a spiritual aspirant, instead of running about looking for a teacher or "ideal location, settles into the task of making himself or herself ready.

We are indeed very fortunate to be living now, when the highest spiritual ideas are readily available to all, whether we are "fit" or not. Even in India this was not the case. Swami Vivekananda, with the blessing of Sri Ramakrishna and Mother, saw the importance of spreading the highest teachings "broadcast" throughout India and the world. He felt having access to these teachings would help humankind rise to higher levels, even if only a very few realized God in this lifetime. Hearing of our potential, he reasoned, would inspire more to eventually take up the task of realizing it.

It always comes back to us, our interest, our readiness, our willingness to make a committed effort. It is very difficult. But even as we stumble along or play happily on a side path, we have the blessing of knowing the Goal, and knowing that Mother is with us, helping us the entire journey.

Location: san Diego, California, USA