Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Mother's Day

Soon it will be Mother's day and in some places it is already Mother's day. It is an appropriate moment to come and share thoughts here in the Mothers' courtyard.

What can a son say about his Mother? We all come here since in someway we are touched by the life and teachings of the Mother. I think She has touched each and everyone of us in the inner depths of our soul. We may or may not be ready to accept this fact but I am convinced that each child who enters this hallowed cyber space of Mother's courtyard has felt and sensed the presence of the Mother. We seek this presence all the time and hence are drawn repeatedly to the courtyard.

What is this thing about the Mother that draws us to Her repeatedly? On the surface, She seems to lack the brilliance of Swami Vivekanada, or the ability to give us simple parables that explain the profound truths of the scriptures. She is a simple woman, hidden in a village, who sits on the periphery of Ramakrishna- Vivekananda literature.

Each child here in the courtyard is drawn to Her differently. Today let our offering to Her be "What draws me towards the Mother". Let us come and celebrate how She touches and transforms our lives.

Re: Mother's Day

What draws me to Mother? In my case, it is She who claimed me, and by that very process I know She IS.

Excited by Swamiji and his ideas, I had no interest in the quiet Bengali village woman who lived during my grandmother's time. I came from a Protestant Christian background. And while this left me spiritually unsatisfied, it also left me without a concept of divine Motherhood, without even Mother Mary. So Mother HAD to 'tap me on the shoulder' to get my attention.

What happened next? Well, everything changed. The idea of Mother and the Universal Mother Heart became more real than any divine concept I had or had heard of. Mother Mary became real to me, an earlier manufestation of Holy Mother herself.

Paritosh says Mother didn't teach in parables. I'm not sure about this. But I think that more than either Thakur or Swamiji, Mother was herself the lesson.....A living example of Truth within this world. Swamiji and Thakur may inspire us, but their life seems far removed. Mother's life reflects our own.

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Soon it will be Mother's day and in some places it is already Mother's day. It is an appropriate moment to come and share thoughts here in the Mothers' courtyard.

What can a son say about his Mother? We all come here since in someway we are touched by the life and teachings of the Mother. I think She has touched each and everyone of us in the inner depths of our soul. We may or may not be ready to accept this fact but I am convinced that each child who enters this hallowed cyber space of Mother's courtyard has felt and sensed the presence of the Mother. We seek this presence all the time and hence are drawn repeatedly to the courtyard.

What is this thing about the Mother that draws us to Her repeatedly? On the surface, She seems to lack the brilliance of Swami Vivekanada, or the ability to give us simple parables that explain the profound truths of the scriptures. She is a simple woman, hidden in a village, who sits on the periphery of Ramakrishna- Vivekananda literature.

Each child here in the courtyard is drawn to Her differently. Today let our offering to Her be "What draws me towards the Mother". Let us come and celebrate how She touches and transforms our lives.