Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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The Parable of the Oxen

A classical example is given of the oxen at the oil-man's mill. In olden days in India, the oil-pressing was done by oxen. They went round and round, and oil-seeds were put into the centre of the press. In the morning, at sunrise, the oxen used to be hitched to this oil-press and in the evening at sunset, they were unyoked. Between sunrise and sunset, they covered miles and miles but they did not attain any destination. They were there, where they were, because they were bound with the mill. In the same way, an aspirant who is bound to this sensual life—a life of greed, covetousness, sensuality—all his efforts are in vain. They are futile exertion and do not take him to his goal, because he is bound to the state of lower life. The lower state of life has to be eliminated before one can make progress towards one's spiritual destination.

Location: U.K.

Re: The Parable of the Oxen

That means that those who have not given up the pleasures of the flesh cannot rise spiritually? But surely if they pray to God daily they will not remain stuck at the same level.

Alas! it is not the lot of all to be celibate in thought and deed...... where do we possess so much self control.....

but does that mean that we are stuck in the same place, shall we not evolve even if we pray sincerely ?

Re: Re: The Parable of the Oxen

Certainly we will is my belief. When the storm of passion is sent by God to educate us, then all theories, all books fail. Only God, HIS children (for me Sri Fhanindra) and our own resources help, if at all. Perhaps He is teaching us to rely on Him and not on us. Once Bhagavan Ramakrishna thought He was free from lust. Immediately, such an onslaught of feeling of lust came, that He rolled on the ground and cried to the Divine Mother,"Mother, I will never again think so." And He was freed from lust for ever. perhaps He intended to teach us that way. A little fear brings victory, my child, the Holy Mother said. We should never say anything with dogged forceful confidence,says Sri Fhanindra.

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Replying to:

That means that those who have not given up the pleasures of the flesh cannot rise spiritually? But surely if they pray to God daily they will not remain stuck at the same level.

Alas! it is not the lot of all to be celibate in thought and deed...... where do we possess so much self control.....

but does that mean that we are stuck in the same place, shall we not evolve even if we pray sincerely ?

Location: Guwahati, Assam, India