Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Blessings on Swamiji's birthday.

I come to Mother's Courtyard to be with my brothers and sisters in Mother's presence. They are celebrating Swam Vivekananda's birthday in Hollywood now. We had our San Diego puja last Sunday. Mother knows Swamiji is my spiritual hero!

I think now how hard he tried to leave the demands of the world and be a wondering monk. Always he was called back. But even before this, Sri Ramakrishna had set the stage. Young Naren had told his master that he wished to remain immersed in samadhi, coming down periodically to take nourishment. The Master scolded him for his mean-mindedness, saying that Naren was to become like a mighty banyan tree offering shade to others.

Sri Ramakrishna left us two examples, Mother and Swamiji, to teach us how to live in the world without becoming ensnared.

Mother taught amid the familiar struggles of everyday family life. Who could imagine that her experience, far from pleasant and easy, would be so like our own.

Swamiji taught on the world stage, equally at home with kings and beggars.

On this special day ... and each day ... may their example be as a Light to us as we find ourselves seeming caught in the whirlpool of life.

Location: San Diego, California, USA

Re: Blessings on Swamiji's birthday.

Dear Sister Jayanti,

Beautiful thoughts, wonderfully expressed.

Om Shanthi Om

Re: Blessings on Swamiji's birthday.

Thank you, sister Jayanti. Mother and Swami ji seem to express the same compassion albeit in different ways. Swamiji's was the harshness(if I may be permitted to use the word) or directness of Siva, the destroyer, who destroyed (ignorance) only to build anew on surer foundations. Mother's was the indirect and gentle way but more demanding. Both are apt to be misunderstood by ourself plus egos. But once understood, patience and forbearance come as the gifts and we become traditional farmers. Just to hold on, no matter how badly we fall with our spiritual life destroyed and He/Mother never give up on those who persevere.

Just some thoughts.


Location: Guwahati, Assam, India

Re: Blessings on Swamiji's birthday.

Thank you for the beautiful thoughts, Sister Jayanti.