Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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All at once i look and a good while has passed since i was last here in the courtyard. really, none of us ever leave. i go on Monday to get a pre op heart stress test and start the long road to knee replacement. i read about our dear Ma and her poor knees and troubled health....Her putting her hand on Swami Saradananda's body to cool her fevered state during one of Her last illness'. i was reading this story to monk the other the monastery and got tears in my eyes at the realness of what Holy Mother is. suffering and feeling pain when She could have left it at any time....i say a Thank you Mother and Sri Ramakrishna and Swamiji for coming and staying as long as you to all....gaurish

Re: thanks

All at once i look and a good while has passed since i was last here in the courtyard. really, none of us ever leave. i go on Monday to get a pre op heart stress test and start the long road to knee replacement. i read about our dear Ma and her poor knees and troubled health....Her putting her hand on Swami Saradananda's body to cool her fevered state during one of Her last illness'. i was reading this story to monk the other the monastery and got tears in my eyes at the realness of what Holy Mother is. suffering and feeling pain when She could have left it at any time....i say a Thank you Mother and Sri Ramakrishna and Swamiji for coming and staying as long as you to all....gaurish

Here is a special prayer for you, Gaurish Ji:

Re: thanks

what great strength comes from the love of our brothers and sisters...all Mother's and all ready to send a prayer for health and happiness of each other...i am touched by the 'card' and re read it many times...saved it to desktop and gather a whole lot of kindness from it! i think im ready!!
Jaya Jaya Mata Jagadambe!!!!!!

Re: thanks

Hi Gaurish.... All will be well with Mother's Grace!!!

Location: Bangalore