Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Thoughts on Mother & Mary

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

i was asked by Swami to prepare a brief statement on what Mother means to me for our birthday puja and celebration. I have always felt there was a special significance that Mother was born during the Christmas season. As I wrote, a possible meaning arose:

Who is Mother to me? She is Mary reborn. Think of it! Before the manifestation of the Lord there is Mother Maya. The Lord manifests from and by Her Shakti Power. The Christmas story reflects this primordial truth within creation. Jesus who is Christ the personal Lord and Incarnation was born of Mary, Mother of God and Queen of the Universe. Generally, from Hindu accounts we have the pairing of the Lord with a Divine Consort, such as Shiva/Kali, Rama/Sita, Krishna/ Rada, Ramakrishna/Sarada Devi. India already has the concepts of Maya and Incarnation imprinted within. We did not have this highest understanding in the West, so the Divine Pair re-enacted the first Divine Play of Creation through Mother Mary giving birth to Lord Jesus and providing him nurture, spiritual training, and life-long support. As a Protestant I no concept of the veneration of Mary, hence nothing that in anyway approximated the motherhood of God. Through Mother Sarada I found Mary and the Motherhood of God!

Location: San Diego, CA

Re: Thoughts on Mother & Mary

Wonderful exposition, sister Jayanti... "Through Mother Sarada I found Mary and the Motherhood of God!"... Incredible, a true tribute to Maa... _/_

Location: Bangalore

Re: Thoughts on Mother & Mary

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings on Holy Mother. You have said it all perfectly!!

Location: New Bern, NC

Re: Thoughts on Mother & Mary

Location: New Bern, NC

Re: Thoughts on Mother & Mary

Dear Sister Jayanti,

I love the way you put that all together...:)

(I am R.C., so 'worship of the Mother' is in my blood)

"Motherhood" is a concept, which every form of life
cherishes; from its earliest days in tangible form.

Sri Ramakrishna said that women are but so many
aspects of the Divine Mother; to be worshiped as
the Mother Herself."

"Miriam of Nazareth" and "Saradamani of Jayrambati"
are One and the Same...

Love your shrine, Sister Rosemary..:)

Am enjoying your daily thoughts, Brother Satwik...:)