Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!

23-December-2011 (Friday)
Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!


Those were some happy days we spent with Mother. How affectionate she was! I who had lost my mother in my childhood had practically forgotten what motherly care was and was overwhelmed. A few days later I had an attack of fever along with violent shivering. Though I had been feeling feverish since sunset, I had had a regular dinner at night, for at Mother’s place going without food was out of question. When I went to bed, the temperature rose and I shivered violently. As the night advanced, my temperature rose steadily and I spent the night in almost unconscious state. In the small house I called Shashi Maharaj in a low voice and said, “Brother, no more of this. Being down with fever here will only add to Mother’s problems. Let’s take leave of Mother and get out of here as soon as it is morning. Then come what may!” Shashi Maharaj agreed, and at daybreak, the three of us touched Mother’s feet and set out. At first Mother strongly objected to our leaving so soon, but finding us bent on leaving, she finally gave in.

(REMINISCENCES OF Sri Sarada Devi by Monastics, Devotees, and others - Compiled and Edited in Bengali by SWAMI PURNATMANANDA - Translated by MALOTI SEN GUPTA : P 13-14)

Location: Bangalore