Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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18-March-2012 (Sunday) Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!

18-March-2012 (Sunday)
Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!


During Puja holidays in 1919, Jnan Maharaj himself accompanied me to Jayrambati. Mother resided in her new house then, and arrangements were made for me to stay in the outer room of this house. I had gone to Jayrambati with many fanciful ideas. Jnan Maharaj, after going in, and having informed about my arrival, led me to Mother. Rammoy Maharaj used to attend on Mother then. I found this diminutive person rather likeable. It was he who took me to Mother who was seated on the edge of a wooden cot in her room. I offered my pranam to her. Mother’s figure and her face reminded me of my grandmother. At that time I did not sense any divineness in her. She seemed quite able bodied, her limbs sturdy and strong. Mother’s true nature is beyond our conception – who can know her unless she reveals herself? Mayaya bahurupani, “She uses her mystic power to assume many forms.” She obscured her identity with the help of Maya, which also left my vision blurred and my understanding bemused. Perhaps the time was not yet ripe for me.

(REMINISCENCES OF Sri Sarada Devi by Monastics, Devotees, and others - Compiled and Edited in Bengali by SWAMI PURNATMANANDA - Translated by MALOTI SEN GUPTA : P 70-71)

Location: Bangalore, India