Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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25-May-2012 (Friday) Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!

25-May-2012 (Friday)
Reminiscences of The Holy Mother!!!


If I ever go to prison for a prolonged period, none of my friends need grieve about it – for I shall immediately take to meditation and try to climb those wonderful heights on which the Holy Mother (Sarada Devi) lives. Such sweetness and serenity as hers, with such depth of experience and affection are past all imaging. And how wonderful her life is – she lives in the midst of an elaborate system of worship spontaneously organized and maintained by others, for the adoration of her own Husband, whom she worships as GOD, but cherishes a deep human tenderness for nevertheless, “I loved simply to look at him!” I heard her say the other night! And living so, she seems more and more like the drop of water on a lotus leaf touching the world at all points, yet undiverted by it – undeluded – filled with beatitude. Always that Hindu ideal, of the perfect wife – oh, how perfect she is – and how deeply and wonderfully to be loved! (LSN, to Josephine MacLeod, 30/3/1899, Vol. 1, 1982, p. 97.)

(REMINISCENCES OF Sri Sarada Devi by Monastics, Devotees, and others -
Compiled and Edited in Bengali by SWAMI PURNATMANANDA - Translated by MALOTI SEN GUPTA : P 116-117)

Location: Bangalore, India