Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

A Place where devotees gather to share inspiration.

"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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05-April-2015 (Sunday) Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda

05-April-2015 (Sunday)
Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda
More of the Mother’s Correspondence with Devotees – 02

A certain devotee used to send to the Mother some money regularly. He would also come now and then to pay his respects to her personally, though he was staying at a place far away from Jayrambati. He used to spend money without stint for the Mother and her devotee-sons. He had, however, a feeling that the job he was then holding did not fetch an income sufficient to serve the Mother to his heart’s content. There was now the offer of a job with much higher income, but he had a hesitation to accept it. For, in his present assignment he had the satisfaction, and the consequent peace of mind, of working under a very decent employer, but he was uncertain about this in respect of the new post he wanted to seek. So he wrote to the Mother for advice, and the Mother after some reflection, replied: “Through the Master’s grace you are now able to manage your affairs with your present income. Why then court the risk of losing your peace of mind by seeking more income? So I think you should remain content with what you have.”

[Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi) – Swami Saradeshananda. Translated by Prof. J. N. Dey. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Madras-600004: p 123-124]

May we follow the spiritual path shown by Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda to reach God, the goal of our lives, and by His power help others also in their struggle to reach Him.

Location: Bangalore, India