Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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04-May-2015 (Monday) Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda

04-May-2015 (Monday)
Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda
Brahmacharin and Sannyasin Disciples – 03

A married householder son of hers came to the Mother one day and begged her for Sannyasa. He had been already leading the life of renunciation like that of a Sannyasin. The Mother knew all about it and cherished a great love and affection for him. The Mother said to him, “You are the only son of your mother. I can never cause affliction to your mother’s heart.” When, however, he entreated her very much, the Mother let him know that only if he could secure the permission of his mother for his Sannyasa, could she accede to his request. His mother too was a disciple of the Holy Mother, and was full of devotion and the spirit of renunciation. She did not become an impediment in the path of the progress of her son and freely gave the required permission with great joy, even dyeing his clothes ochre with her own hands for the purpose. The great desire of the son was thus fulfilled. He received the ochre cloth from the Holy Mother’s hands and, as told by her, performed the Viraja Homa at the Math before revered Swami Brahmananda, from whom he got his formal admission into the Order. He did not maintain good health and from time to time became a victim of acute asthmatic spasms. Though his mother had given permission for her son’s Sannyasa, she had entreated the Holy Mother to give her the boon she should pass away before her son. The Mother graciously fulfilled this desire of her heart. The lady actually died before her son, and went to her desired Loka.

[Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi) – Swami Saradeshananda. Translated by Prof. J. N. Dey. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Madras-600004: p 135-136]

Location: Bangalore, India