Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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​06-May-2015 (Wednesday) Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda

​06-May-2015 (Wednesday)
Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda
Social Criticism against Mother giving Sannyasa – 02

Here is the case of yet another ‘son’ of the Mother, who was well educated, respectable, well-placed in life and married. His wife was young and was expecting. Both the husband and the wife had their initiation from the Mother. As the desire in the heart of the ‘son’ grew very strong for taking Sannyasa, he left his job and presented himself before the Mother. After informing the Mother about his intention, he started staying at a nearby Ashrama at Nabasan, waiting for the auspicious day. Some of the aged householder devotees who frequented the Mother’s place, raised their voice against this, saying, “Such a person should not take Sannyasa.” Not satisfied with this, they even expressed this opinion of theirs to the Mother and prayed to her not to give him Sannyasa. They proposed that an appointment as a lecturer in a degree college could be procured for him even in the vicinity of Jayrambati. If he continued teaching, he would be able to build up the character of quite a number of young men, and both the society and the country would be benefited by it. Some of the money could be sent to his wife for her maintenance. Thus there would be no need of his going back home. In this strain there was much talk on the subject of his Sannyasa. If such a person were given Sannyasa, it was argued, there would be more harm done to society than good. Hearing all these opinions, this ‘son’ of the Mother was very much perturbed. He found no other way than praying to the Great Master and the Holy Mother with great earnestness in the secrecy of his heart.

[Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi) – Swami Saradeshananda. Translated by Prof. J. N. Dey. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Madras-600004: p 137]

Location: Bangalore, India