Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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04-June-2015 (Thursday) Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda

04-June-2015 (Thursday)
Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda
Mother’s Regard for Sannyasins: Other Instances – 2

On another occasion, the Mother was not at home when two up-country Sannysins came for bhiksha (holy alms). One of the sons gave them a good amount of provisions. Some of those present thee remarked, “They are not real Sannyasins but are only beggers. They cheat people by putting on the ochre cloth.” The son replied, “It does not matter who they are. When they have come to the Mother’s house expecting something, it is not good to disappoint them.” Getting more than their expectation, the Sadhus departed happily. After a few days when the topic came up before the Mother, she was very much pleased with what the son had done and said, “My child, a man may be anything. If he comes in a Sannyasin’s garb and you offer him something or help him any way, you are doing Sadhuseva – service of a holy man.”

[Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi) – Swami Saradeshananda. Translated by Prof. J. N. Dey. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Madras-600004: p 146]

Location: Bangalore, India