Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi

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"Holy Mother" painted by Swami Tadatmananda

Used courtesy of the Vedanta Society of Southern California

Dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi
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July 15, 2015 Wednesday: Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi)

15-July-2015 (Wednesday)
Mother As I Saw Her – Swami Saradeshananda
The Mother as a Paramahamsa:
A Combination of Girlishness and Motherliness – 2

The Mother had the power to completely change that subtlest of mechanisms, the human heart, by a mere glance of hers! And again, to such a Mother, the cleaning of a simple ‘hurricane lamp’ appeared to be a very difficult job! At Jayrambati the Mother had an old lamp. To take out the glass chimney and clean it, or to open the cork and fill the container with kerosene, was to the Mother a great job. She rather preferred to use the simple open oil lamp with a wick, because she found them easy to manipulate and to light. But to manage a hurricane lamp was a problem for her, and so she had it handled by somebody else. The Mother praised the abilities of those daughters who could do this job for her. She would say, ‘On, how efficient they are! How quickly my hurricane lamp was set right!”

[Mother As I Saw Her (Being Reminiscences of Holy Mother Sarada Devi) – Swami Saradeshananda. Translated by Prof. J. N. Dey. Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore Madras-600004: p 169]

Location: Bangalore, India