Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 277 27-November-2016
27-11-2016 Sunday
Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 277
Chapter 12 – Spiritual Ministry : 020
Holy Mother often had to put up with such eccentricity. And what patience she showed with these deranged people! One day a woman devotee while taking leave of the Mother bit her big toe. The Mother cried aloud: ‘Goodness gracious! What kind of devotion is this? If you want to touch my feet, why not do so? Why this biting of the toe?’ The woman said: ‘I want you to remember me.’ ‘Indeed!’ the Mother replied. ‘I never before saw such a novel way of making me remember a devotee.’ Another time a male devotee while saluting her struck her little toe with his forehead with such force that the Mother cried out in pain. Those present asked the devotee the reason for this ***** conduct. He replied: ‘I purposely gave her pain while saluting her so that she will remember me as long as the pain lasts.’
The Mother had to deal with many ***** demands. One of her intimate disciples was Kanjilal, a physician. His wife one day prayed to her: ‘Mother, please give you blessings so that my husband’s income may increase.’ The Mother looked at her and said firmly: ‘Do you want me to wish that people may be sick and that they may suffer? Certainly I can never do that. I pray that all may be well, all may be happy.’
Holy Mother - Being the Life of Sri Sarada Devi Wife of Sri Ramakrishna And Helpmate in his Mission By Swami Nikhilananda p: 172