Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 231 01-December-2016
01-12-2016 Thursday
Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 281
Chapter 12 – Spiritual Ministry : 024
The story of Radhu’s cat gives even more striking insight into Holy Mother’s love. She had arranged for it to have a daily ration of milk. The cat used to lie peacefully near her. Sometimes she would pretend that she was going to punish it with a stick, but this only made the animal creep near her feet. laughing, she would throw away the stick, and the inmates of the house would also laugh. The cat, following its own nature, even stole food, and the Mother would remark: ‘To steal is its dharma. Who is there always to feed it lovingly?’ One day a monastic attendant treated the cat roughly and dashed it against the earth. The Mother looked very sad. She said to the monk: ‘Scold the cat, but do not beat it. Please feed it regularly and see hat it does not go to any other house to steal food.’ She again reminded him solemnly: ‘do not beat the cat. I dwell inside the cat too.’
Holy Mother - Being the Life of Sri Sarada Devi Wife of Sri Ramakrishna And Helpmate in his Mission By Swami Nikhilananda p: 175 – 176