Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 232 02-December-2016
02-12-2016 Friday
Holy Mother By Swami Nikhilananda: 282
Chapter 13 – In the Role of Teacher : 001
GOD HIMSELF is the real teacher. Spiritual light comes from Him alone, generally through a human channel, called the guru or a teacher. Like a magnet’s attraction is the irresistible and silent attraction of the guru. Yearning souls, afflicted with the world and seeking release from the apparently interminable round of birth and death, feel the power of this attraction. The teacher takes upon himself the burden of sin and iniquity of the disciples, and suffers on their account. He kindles in their hearts the light of spirit and finally takes them to the realm of bliss and immortality.
Holy Mother - Being the Life of Sri Sarada Devi Wife of Sri Ramakrishna And Helpmate in his Mission By Swami Nikhilananda p: 177