Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.288
Sunday 20/8/17
The Master Said:
In response to the question from "M",
'Should one throw away both knowledge and ignorance?'
"Yes. That is why one should acquire *vijnAna.
You see, he who is aware of light is also aware of darkness.
He who is aware of happiness is also aware of suffering.
He who is aware of virtue is also aware of vice.
He who is aware of good is also aware of evil.
He who is aware of holiness is also aware of unholiness.
He who is aware of 'I' is also aware of 'you'."
*vijnAna=Special knowledge of the Absolute
om tat sat
~~~~~~~om shanthi om~~~~~~~~
This is a reasonably accurate representation of my home shrine, of more than thirty-five years: