Excerpted from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna p.891
Sunday 10/9/17
The Master Said:
"You know I am a fool. I know nothing.
Then who is it that says all these things?
I say to the Divine Mother:
'O Mother, I am the machine and Thou art the Operator.
I am the house and Thou art the indweller.
I am the chariot and Thou art the Charioteer.
I do as Thou makest me do. I speak as Thou makest me speak;
I move as Thou makest me move. It is not I !
It is all Thou ! It is all Thou !'
Hers is the glory; we are only Her instruments."
om tat sat
~~~~~~ om shanthi om~~~~~~
This is a reasonably accurate representation of my home shrine, of more than thirty-five years: