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This is a forum in which to discuss the fan fiction stories found on Debby K's site. You are invited to talk about previous stories or new ones.

Debby K's Message Board
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Re: Confession

Hello Debby,
It makes us sad and melancholic to know you have lost the devotion to write about M&S. But we totaly understand your decision. You've made us happy through the years with your stories. Now that there will be no longer stories to look forward to, it is a bit as dying - the characters seemed to have passed away.
We like to wish you joy, love and good health. We hope the smell of roses brings you happiness.
God bless you !

Re: Confession

Hi, Donna. Thanks so much for your well-wishes.

All the best,
Debby K

Re: Confession

I just want to thank you for having kept M&S alive and for having continued the show for as long as you have. I know what it means to loose your passion for writing - it's the one thing you got to have to make the stories truly come to life. To me, you not continuing the M&S saga is actually more sad than when the show was cancelled by CBS. But once again, thank you so much for the stories you have written. I will re-read and re-read and re-read them!
All the best

Re: Confession

Hi, Lina. Thank you for your understanding and support.

I would like for readers to know that if I had it in me, I would certainly continue. I tried so hard for so long to keep the characters alive for us all. I'm sorry that it has all slipped through my hands. I know it lets down many people, and that pains me. I had a bit of one chapter written for the next story, but I just could not find the will to continue.

All the best,
Debby K

Re: Confession

Thank you so much for all your stories all over these years!!!
It has been wonderful to read them and even more wonderful to listen to the beginning of one of them.

Re: Confession

Thank you, Christine. It was my pleasure.

All the best,

Re: Confession

Dear Debby:....I don't know what to say. I was SHOCK and Sad when I find out about you leaving us.
Like many of your fans no writing more about our beloved M&S is worst than when the show was finish. I wonder your site will still be here of us to come and reread your stories?
I know what you mean about spending all your time in writing stories about M&S.It does absorb you to read about them so I can imagine how is to write about them.
Well I always believe that there is a reason why things happen and always for better,who knows maybe when ever your inspiration comes back it might be like in the beginning.
I wish you the best of the best,find new things to do
enjoy life,travel,meet people,but please let us know that you are alive.
It was a pleasure to read,laught,cry,feel happy,sad with your stories.I'm not a writer but I read alot,and I think you ARE a great writer.
Have a great life and don't forget to always smile

Rosy (chacha)

Re: Confession

Hi, Rosie. I'm not leaving. I'll be right here from time to time. I receive a notification if anyone posts, plus, you can always email me (see the bottom of my main page). Don't worry. I am not dropping off the face of the earth. I do hope to pursue other interests. Perhaps in time, I'll write again. It's too soon to say.

Thank you for your visits here and for reading my stories. I'm glad they filled you with so many emotions.

All the best,
Debby K

Re: Confession

Hi Debby,
I have spent many years reading and re-reading your wonderful stories. My best friend and I both watched the series, and when we discuss the show from time to time, she doesn't remember things that I tell her happened! Only later do I realize that it was in one of your stories and not actually the show! These stories have been inspiration! Please take time to rejuvenate! Watch the entire series again from the pilot episode. By the end, I bet your mind will swirl with new ideas! Until then, know that I appreciate all the hours you have spent creating the wonderful characters and keeping our beloved show alive!

Re: Confession

Hi, Brittany. I think it's one of the nicest compliments to hear that you confused my stories with the real series. I am grateful that you have followed my fan fiction over the years, and I appreciate the suggestion.

All the best,
Debby K

Re: Confession

Hello Debby,

hope and pray you wll find ideas again. Please take time to rest.
Perhaps you will find new ideas for writing after long time summer vacation ? perhaps let Dr. Mike and Sully and the children a couple of years further and then tell us how they grew up ? I think your stories were even much better than the series themselfves. You are a wonderful writer ! Please let not your readers down ? You have made us so happy to continue the saga of M& S ! Thanks you very much ! I think you didn't get the appreciation you deserve because you think of much better stories than the series. I wish you all the best ! I hope ans pray you let not us readers let us down. Thanks you from the bottom of our heart for making so many fantastic stories.
Also here in Russia your stories are loved ! Hope you find happyness again.

Please stay in touch !


Re: Confession

Hi, Ninotchka. Thanks so much for your kind remarks about my stories. I appreciate your dedication to my stories and wish you all the best,
Debby K

Debby, you MUST read this!

A new post has been added to a forum thread which celebrates 10 years of your writing, which I thought you might like to read, just in case you missed it:

I'll add that I wholeheartedly agree with all those who've posted in this Confession thread: knowing that your saga won't be continued had the same devastating effect on me than knowing the TV series would stop after six seasons.
During these years, even if I discovered your saga only in 2001 it was soon enough to deeply fall in love with this extended family you have created, and with all the new townies as well. Above all, I will treasure all your "fanfic kids" lines, which always made my heart melt.
I still receive dozens of questions from fans worldwide, some are discovering fanfic only now (and a few were still in diapers when you published "How do I love thee"!) a lot of these people have stumbled upon my database site, a bit lost because there's so much to be discovered, then they're asking me "what should I read first?" you won't be surprised to know that your name and associated site is always mentioned at the very top of my "essential Quinnfic reading" list.
Thanks for all, Debby!

Re: Debby, you MUST read this!

Hi, Sylvie.

I appreciate your letting me know about the 10th anniversary thread and reactions to my stories. Please convey to all who have posted on the DQ Forum that I am grateful for their encouragement and support over the years. Feedback is always appreciated.

Writing DQ FF has been a very important part of my life. It brought me comfort when the series was canceled, enabled my imagination to soar and gratified me when people took the time to read them.

I truly wish that I could regain my enthusiasm for writing again. Sometimes I think about it. However, the time commitment needed to research, plot out and write each story is overwhelming. Just putting out my only story this year, "Gunfight," took many months. I still care about the show and its characters (along with the ones I added), and if the desire to write ever returns, I'll gladly create another adventure.

Thanks for all you have done to promote Dr. Quinn fan fiction over the years.

All the best,
Debby K

Debby: we haven't forgotten you - but we do MISS you

Sorry this reply here comes so late, Debby.
I've been posting references to the recent messages here in the forum thread which you already know, entitled "Celebrating 10 years of Debby K.'s stories" - and this is now a cross-reference to the replies which have been posted there:

Everything in our modern society seems to be declined in weird abbrevs, so I've invented a new one to sum up these additions.

WAMY, Debby.

It means We All Miss You

I especially enjoyed a comment made by Linda just before my addition, in which she admits mixing up some situations and events involving our beloved characters: "did that happen in the show or in a Deb K story ?" IMHO this sums up in one single phrase the importance of your 10-year saga in the heart of thousands of fans!

Re: Debby: we haven't forgotten you - but we do MISS you

Thank you for the cross-reference, Sylvie. I am truly moved by the many people who have contacted me on my message board or in private regarding my decision. Now, with the added comments on the DQ Forum, it further fills me with appreciation for how my stories were received over the years.

In many ways, it's like retiring from one's job. You forget what it meant to you when you first started until you see an old photograph or hear from people who remember you way back when you began.

With DQ being shown on the Gospel Music Channel four times a day, I believe more people will discover what a quality program it was. Perhaps they will even visit my stories and other fan fiction out there.

I think that Michaela and Sully have said many times that as long as we remember in our hearts, nothing truly leaves us.

All the best,
Debby K