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Istanbul 13" Sultan hats, pre-split. New, never used NOS.

$550. These are truly brand new hats that have been in a cymbal bag for 20 years. They have both signatures on the underside of each bell and have the quality control stickers on each cymbal still.

These were picked up for a project that never materialized so I put them away hoping the other guys would get their act together, but it just didn't happen. I decided to keep them in unused condition when Agop passed away and the split happened. I have used my other sets of hats since then.

I listed these on "the bay." But would prefer another collector snag them.

Here's the link for pictures: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291113711498?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Re: Istanbul 13" Sultan hats, pre-split. New, never used NOS.


Reduced the price by $100. International shipping now available.
