
Nova Občina Ivančna Gorica 2011

Pošlji razglednico svojim prijateljem, sorodnikom ali sodelavcem. 

V naslednjih dveh korakih jo sestaviš in pošlješ s klikom na SEND.

Prejemnik bo prejel email s povezavo na razglednico, ti pa prejmeš obvestilo, ko si bo razglednico ogledal.



Design your own E-Card and send it to a friend. Step by step you will be shown how to design your own card. Once you are happy with it, hit SEND and your friend will receive notification by email that there is a E-Card waiting to be picked up. As the sender of the E-Card, you will also receive an email notification when the card is received.

Image Selection
Text Input
Other Options
Preview and Send
Select the image for your Greeting Card from the scrollbox at right and preview your image below.
Click the image to select it for your card.


Get your own FREE E-Cards today! 
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foto / oblikovanje / založba: Robert Kuhar Korporativno Oblikovanje / www.rkko.si / 2010