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Give YOUR opinion on whether charities and NGOs need their own .ngo top level domain

Do you think a charity and .NGO specific top level domain is useful
Very useful
Neither good nor bad as an idea
No help at all
No Opinion/Don't know

Will the extra security of validating charities that use .NGO be helpful?
An excellent idea. I support it.
It can't do any harm
Not a good idea
No opinion/don't know

Were you aware that new domain names like .NGO were going to be arriving next year?
Not Sure

Would you like to be involved in the .NGO project directly?

Do you anticipate online donations to increase?
Yes, they'll increase
No, they'll decrease
Don't expect change
Don't know

What is your estimate for the value of charity fraud related to charitable giving (including disasters like tsunamis and Haiti) worldwide per year?
$100,000 per year
$1m per year
$10m per year
$100m per year
$1bn per year

Who is currently able to apply for a .org site?
Any company, group or person
Only not for profit
Only organisations not individuals
Don't know

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