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The Day Fighter

Title:The Day Fighter
Genre: Thriller /Sports drama / Long-distance relationship
Logline: Oracle, a professional wrestler who gave up on personal relationships, finds out that his belts mean nothing without someone to love, and finally fights for his love.

Dear Sir!
My name is Irfan Khan from the UK and I’ve written a sports drama with lots of action and a long-distance love subplot called The Day Fighter that I'd like to send your way.
The Day Fighter is written along the lines of films such as Cinderella Man and The Wrestler – with a sprinkling of The Fast and the Furious action scenes. The story is about a British professional wrestler named Oracle who, because of the death of his first, great love, gave up on personal relationships. An Arabian girl, Sedona, falls in love with him because of the articles he writes on a word-known magazine and, when she finally gets to reach him, she puts Oracle before a life-changing decision: will he remain a loner who rejects any kind of feeling, or will he accept to receive and give love once again? Meanwhile, Oracle is also competing for the World Wrestling Championship and its victory will decide the fate of his new born relationship with Sedona.
I think the long-distance love theme and the high stakes in Oracle and Sedona’s personal lives will appeal to a very wide audience. I believe the riveting suspense and high stakes in “The Day Fighter” will bring all the wrestling fans to the cinema , It contains never seen before street and ring actions.
Please let me know so that I may send you my material including Book, logline , synopsis, treatment and screenplay.
Thanks for your time and consideration
Irfan khan - United Kingdom