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Old School Florida Smuggling – An amazing history through the lens of one family

The evolution of drug smuggling and related crimes in South Florida can be viewed through the thread of one small family and their many criminal associates by way of one or two degrees of separation in the drug smuggling world. These connections involved a vast and colorful cast of characters that included its share of dirty attorneys, crooked cops, former prosecutors, corrupt elected officials and even alleged links to the Central Intelligence Agency. All of their interwoven stories provide an educational and amazing explanation of the times and how they changed in both the drug smuggling and law enforcement worlds. Both worlds were constantly responding to the developments by the other side in the cat and mouse games, with the government too often playing catch up.

The Barker Family entered the smuggling business in the 1970s and transitioned from marijuana to cocaine and illegal aliens by the 1990s. They matured to meet the contraband smuggling demands and expanding national strategies and policies of the times. Through drug and alien loads, broad conspiracies and multiple deaths, the smuggling group was active, successful and notorious at times. This is an amazing account of old school Florida smuggling through the long thread of one little family and the far-reaching world they operated in for decades. It is a bit of a drug smuggling history lesson and a fascinating journey back in time.

An abridged version of this fascinating story was published in a 16-part series by Domestic Preparedness Journal (DomPrep) and its website between February 12 and April 3, 2020. All rights for the short story were returned to the writer. The condensed online version focused on the Barker Family without the much more detailed historical background and content explaining the close interaction between the enhancement of national strategies and evolution of narcotic and alien smuggling in response.

This unabridged story can be read on this website or obtained from the writer at All rights are reserved by the writer/author. Enjoy the incredible story and learn a little smuggling history.