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The year 1940 a British Air Force Captain from a prominent family and well decorated for his act bravery during the Battle of Britain. Finding out about the death of his Germen friend who fought in the Battle Of Britain. Feeling responsible for his death he becomes despondent and becomes a serial killer of young women. He is caught and knowing who he is British Intelligence comes up with a plan to avoid a scandal they parachute him behind enemy lines. British Intelligence comes up with a story that he volunteer for this dangerous mission. They alerted a double agent who tells them he will inform the Nazis to capture him. When caught he will be handed over to the Gestapo be interogated and executed as a spy. After they find out about his execution British Intelligence will write up the story that he died as a hero. He ends up in a Germen prison camp before handed over to the Gestapo he escapes from the camp. He ends up at the Unversity of Hamburg deguised going by the name of Professor Helmut Kempe of Medieval history. He begins his murder spree of young women who are attending the univeristy.