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My writing partner and I are looking for representation or producers interested in partnering with us and would like to send you the screenplay for a new television pilot we’ve written, Still They Rise. Based on my two decades as a foster parent in the Boston area and his many years as an educator and attorney, this unique drama is a moving exploration of family dynamics set against the harsh but little understood backdrop of the foster care system. Hard-hitting and heart-hitting, the story centers on a fostering couple from the wrong side of the tracks who are trying to break free from their past in order to give their kids a shot at a future. But the past will not let them go without a fight. Think The Wire meets This is Us and you’ll understand why we believe Still They Rise will resonate with viewers everywhere.

In addition to writing Still They Rise, my partner has written five other screenplays, including one that was purchased by Mutressa Movies. He considers Still They Rise, however, to be his best work to date.

We believe that your agency would be perfect for us and this material. What’s the best way to send you the script?
